Online feng shui consultation

Online feng shui consultation

Both my parents influenced me greatly; my father was a kind and charitable man, a great orator and Prof., and my mother was a designer and builder of beautiful homes.

Countless hours growing up were spent looking at building design, entries, roof lines, etc. I grew up with an abiding interest in architecture and building design.

After college and a year of travel, I moved to California from Canada and lived up on the slopes of Mt. Shasta for 8 years. I regularly participated in Native American Sweat Lodge ceremony, and learned from Karuk medicine man Charlie Thom to recognize the natural dynamic forces of earth energy Qi/Prana/Mana in the landscape.

It was on Mt. Shasta in 1986 that I first heard of and then invited Mata Amritanandamayi to have programs. Also fondly called Amma, she is a pre-eminent spiritual leader and humanitarian with consultative status at the UN for her highly successful humanitarian projects.(

I found myself moving to Kerala India and spending 10 years based in Amritapuri to study India’s living ancient wisdom and do service work, one of the highlights of my life. It was here that I learned about the concept of Karma, and that living with good Vastu (the Feng Shui of India) can have a noticeably positive impact on how our lives unfold. Online feng shui consultation

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